Network Marketing reffers to Marketing the business itself. Bringing more members to work in our company is one of the services that the business offer to its customers. Customers working with affinix e commerce makes alot of commsion in Network.
Note: The big bag is in NETWORK MARKETING.


This refers to the selling and buying of products online. Our companies has alot of products in thr Affinix Mall in need of a ready market. This service anables Customers to make commision through selling of these products online. In eah sale a custmoers makes he/she gets a commison of % of the total price of the sold product. Eg lets say a customer sold a fridge worth Sh.50,000, he/she will make 10% of this price.


Affinix E Commerce offer ten live games which its Customers play and earn from them. This games are user friendly, meaning they are easily to play and earn from them. The purpose this game is to boost the incomes of our customers during the week and make sure that our customers have withdrawn a good amount of money for that week


Academic Writting is another big service that customers makes money from. Freelance jobs are simply acadamic tasks from Universities and Colloges. Affinix has partinered with alot of foreign Universities that offers this online jobs. Writers get alot of money from each task done amd marked.


Affinix E Commerce is registered and has partinered with the most popular banks in kenya such as KCB Bank and Equity Bank.Payments are done through this Banks every friday morning. The money is Credited through M-pesa.


Joining affinix E Commerce is the best decision to make ever. Since this is an online company where you can work from anypart of the world, you need a smart phone or rahter a laptop. Stable internet is also needed for effective communication and runing of the services. Second requirement is an Affinix Account which should be active, this is where you will be able to acces all the services that the company offers. Withdrawsls are also made from the account. The last thing you need is training on the various services offered by the company. This is done after you have fully become a member of affinix e commerce. Account activation is done through some fee which act as the capital to start the business. This fee caters for web hosting and also protection of your funds and any other private information. The package acmount is Ksh. 2000. Looking Forward to work with you.